More Revit 2010 and Windows 7

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Kyle B the Autodesk Product Manager for BIM Simulation & Emerging Tech, kindly for pointed me in the direction of this blog post about Autodesk and Windows 7 support that appear on BimBoom.

This is the response from Anthony Hauk the BIM Design Line manager

Hi folks.
I thought I’d clear up exactly what the Autodesk statement means to our users, so you can better make OS decisions moving forward. After reviewing this post, I don’t think it’s been interpreted as intended, so hopefully this helps.
Officially supporting an Operating System means that we at Autodesk have carried out a full set of testing across all versions of the shipping OS, and are committed to ensuring quality via our ongoing development. The process to achieve this for a major release such as Windows 7 is significant.
As Windows 7 was a beta at the time that we released the Revit 2010 family of products, and indications of a November or later release was our understanding, we did not carry out that extensive testing process to obtain formal OS support prior to the release. We understand the value of Windows 7 to our customers and are working to ensure that Revit is fully supported in a reasonable timeframe.
What is also important to know is lack of official support does not mean that the product will not run properly. By many accounts Revit 2010 runs smoothly on Windows 7 so far, and we are optimistic that we will validate this as we work through our testing process.
For those that choose to run Windows 7 on their machines, you should understand that you can still obtain technical support from us or your other support provider. Only if you uncover a unique issue to Windows 7 will there be limitations to the assistance we can provide.
Finally, as this post clearly proves, we can do a better job communicating this message to you as our users. Would you find this information helpful if added to our Technical Solution, or do you have other suggestions?
Anthony Hauck
BIM Design Product Line Manager

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