SAP2000 v15 download

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Newer Features
The following list identifies changes made to the program since the prior release:
More responsive graphical user interface, especially for the use of database tables
Real-time analysis for smaller models
Quick and easy generation of final printed reports
Predefined reports, or fully user-customized reports 
Cover sheet
Formatted tables of model definition, analysis and design results
Graphical displays
Detailed design sheets 
Improved automated load combinations for design
AISC 360-05/IBC2006 steel-frame design code, with seismic provisions 
Direct Analysis Method of AISC 360-05 code 
Includes small P-delta effect
Automated inclusion of stiffness modification factors, with user control
Design-decision guidance on when Direct Analysis Method is needed
CAN/CSA-S16-01 steel-frame design code, with seismic provisions
Enhanced design of eccentrically braced frames for AISC 360-05/IBC 2006 and CAN/CSA-S16-01 steel-frame design codes
Canadian NBCC 2005 wind loads, seismic loads, and response-spectrum functions
Load combinations can be converted to nonlinear load cases for advanced design
Enhanced display of failure modes for steel-frame design
DirectX graphics 
Hyperstatic analysis for secondary prestress forces
Staged construction enhancement
Control by individual objects as well as by group
Frame end releases can be changed
Property modifiers for frames, tendons, and shells can be changed
Section properties for frames, tendons, and shells can be changed
Enhanced Section Designer
More control over material properties, including Mander model for all sections
Overlapping shapes allowed
Improved Boolean operations
Frame element fiber hinges for arbitrary sections can be defined using Section Designer
External tools developed by dealers and third parties can be accessed in SAP2000
OpenAPI functionality is complete and available without additional license
Users can add their own documents to be accessed through the SAP2000 Help menu
Export of geometry and element connectivity to CSI Perform-3D
Enhanced import of STAAD models
Part 1
Part 4
Part 2
Part 3
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