Revit Web Update 2

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As posted on Steve Staffords blog, Revit 2010 update 2 has been released. Like Steve, I was aware this was coming.

Fixes include…

  • Annotation objects no longer disappear when panning a view that spans two monitors.
  • Improves stability when switching between Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 software and Google Earth™ software.
  • Improves the modification behaviour of hosted sweeps (i.e. gutters) attached to joined roofs.
  • Improves stability and performance when modifying walls.
  • Improvements to shared nested families.
  • Improves stability when modifying masses.
  • Improves design option rules adherence for walls in different design options and worksets.
  • Family and type information can now be read in Autodesk® 3ds Max® software from an FBX® file exported from a non-English version of Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010.
  • Improves stability when adding views to sheets.
  • Improves stability when making a design option primary.
  • Improves stability of printing views in wireframe mode.
  • Shadows will no longer be cropped when a view is printed or exported to a DWF™ file.
  • Subscription notifications are now available from InfoCenter.
  • Improves stability when reading IFC files.
  • Improves stability when opening a project with an inserted TIF image and when importing a TIF image.
  • ViewCube® navigation tool and the navigation bar will now display correctly after unlocking the computer.
  • Improves stability when removing panels from the ribbon.
  • Improves stability when cancelling a move, delete or copy command.
  • Improves performance of view renaming and the Workset dialog.
  • Mass floor schedules will now update when a level is renamed.
  • A form element that has a divided surface applied to it will now be correctly generated after a copy, paste, or move.
  • Improves stability when exporting to DWG.
  • Dimension and spot elevation values will now display correctly in a dependent view

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