[PDF Download] Structural Steel Design Handbook

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The only A-Z guide to structural steel design Find a wealth of practical techniques for cost-effectively designing steel structures from buildings to bridges in Structural Steel Designer's Handbook by Roger L. Brockenbrough and Frederick S. Merritt The Handbook's integrated approach gives you immediately useful information about: *steel as a material - how it's fabricated and erected *how to analyze a structure to determine internal forces and moments from dead, live, and seismic loads how to make detailed design calculations to withstand those forces This new third edition introduces you to the latest developments in seismic design, including more ductile connections, and high performance steels...offers an expanded treatment of welding....helps you understand design requirements for hollow structural sections and for cold-formed steel members....and explores numerous design examples. You get examples for both Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD).
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