STAAD Simple Steel Design Tutorial

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STAAD PRO Simple Steel Design Tutorial 

This tutorial is a simple tutorial for design of steel structures in STAAD pro 2004. For the ones who have newly started to use this software, this tutorial can help them find the way better, even if they are using the latest versions.

* STAAD is a comprehensive structural engineering software that addresses all aspects of structural
engineering – analysis, design, verification, and visualization.
*  STAAD performs the analysis and design of the structure for different types of structures, such as
trusses, plane, space (3D), floors (2 D plane and but loads are vertical or out of that plane).

STAAD Tutorials
* Giving demonstration for how to use the software by showing only the basic steps for static analysis.
* As STAAD has two main methods of modeling (input editor (script language) and/or through graphical
environment). Tutorials will show only graphical methods.
*Further readings and more information about the program can be found through the internet.
For example -

STAAD Simple Steel Design Tutorial  English | PDF | 2.4MB

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