Design of Curved Steel - Free Download

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Design of curved steel

Covers the design of common types of curved steel members used in building structures, and demonstrates how to take account of the curvature so that member checks can be made in accordance with BS 5950-1:2000 or suitable modifications of that Standard.  The curving process is described, together with the effect that this has on the material properties.  Guidance is offered on when the changes in material properties are small enough to be neglected, and additional checks are described where necessary.  Where the behaviour of curved members differs from that of straight members, this is described.  Where necessary, modified resistance checks are prescribed for curved members, together with straightforward methods to take account of additional effects, such as transverse bending stresses.  The design of steel members curved in elevation, such as arches, and portal frames with curved rafters, is described, with guidance on the choice of effective lengths, modelling for computer analysis and simple approaches to determine approximate maximum forces and moments for initial sizing of members.  Members curved on plan experience torsion in addition to bending effects.  The publication provides two methods to design such members, allowing for the torsional effects by either a simplified approach or by using a detailed analysis model of the member.  The design of both open (I and H) and hollow sections is covered.  Includes six worked examples demonstrating the design of curved steel members used in different applications, curved in elevation, and curved on plan.
Authors: C M King & D G Brown
ISBN: 1859421261
SCI Ref.P281

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