Earthquake Spectra - 2000 Volume 16

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Earthquake Spectra - 2000 Volume 16
  • Issue 1 | February 2000 | pp. 1-310


Roger D. Borcherdt
p. v


Ronald O. Hamburger and Charles A. Kircher
pp. vii-xiii


3- USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps
A. D. Frankel, C. S. Mueller, T. P. Barnhard, E. V. Leyendecker, R. L. Wesson, S. C. Harmsen, F. W. Klein, D. M. Perkins, N. C. Dickman, S. L. Hanson, and M. G. Hopper
pp. 1-19

4- Development of Maximum Considered Earthquake Ground Motion Maps
Edgar V. Leyendecker, R. Joe Hunt, Arthur D. Frankel, and Kenneth S. Rukstales
pp. 21-40

5- New Site Coefficients and Site Classification System Used in Recent Building Seismic Code Provisions
R. Dobry, R. D. Borcherdt, C. B. Crouse, I. M. Idriss, W. B. Joyner, G. R. Martin, M. S. Power, E. E. Rinne, and R. B. Seed
pp. 41-67

6- Active Fault Near-Source Zones Within and Bordering the State of California for the 1997 Uniform Building Code
Mark D. Petersen, Tousson R. Toppozada, Tianqing Cao, Chris H. Cramer, Michael S. Reichle, and William A. Bryant
pp. 69-83

7- The Seismic Provisions of the 1997 Uniform Building Code
Robert E. Bachman and David R. Bonneville
pp. 85-100

8- The 1997 NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures
William T. Holmes
pp. 101-114

9- Model Code Design Force Provisions for Elements of Structures and Nonstructural Components
Richard M. Drake and Leo J. Bragagnolo
pp. 115-125

10- Nonbuilding Structures Seismic Design Code Developments
Harold O. Sprague and Nicholas A. Legatos
pp. 127-140

11- Major Changes in Concrete-Related Provisions-1997 UBC and Beyond
S. K. Ghosh
pp. 141-162

12- New Provisions for the Seismic Design of Composite and Hybrid Structures
Gregory G. Deierlein
pp. 163-178

13- Seismic Design Guidelines and Provisions for Steel-Framed Buildings: FEMA 267/267A and 1997 AISC Seismic Provisions
James O. Malley, Charles J. Carter, and C. Mark Saunders
pp. 179-203

14- Seismic Design Requirements for Regions of Moderate Seismicity
Guy J. P. Nordenson and Glenn R. Bell
pp. 205-225

15- NEHRP Guidelines and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
Daniel Shapiro, Christopher Rojahn, Lawrence D. Reaveley, James R. Smith, and Ugo Morelli
pp. 227-239

16- Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings: A Practical Overview of the ATC 40 Document
Craig D. Comartin, Richard W. Niewiarowski, Sigmund A. Freeman, and Fred M. Turner
pp. 241-261

17- Evaluation of Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings
Joe Maffei, Craig D. Comartin, Brian Kehoe, Gregory R. Kingsley, and Bret Lizundia
pp. 263-283

18- Caltrans' New Seismic Design Criteria for Bridges
Mark Yashinsky and Thomas Ostrom
pp. 285-307


19- Earthquakes
Roger D. Borcherdt
pp. 309-310

  • Earthquake Spectra -- May 2000 Volume 16, Issue 2, pp. 317-536

1- Yield Point Spectra for Seismic Design and Rehabilitation
Mark Aschheim and Edgar F. Blackpp. 317-3362- Seismic Behavior of Blocky Masonry StructuresJoão Azevedo, Gabriela Sincraian, and J. V. Lemospp. 337-3653- Adaptive Spectra-Based Pushover Procedure for Seismic Evaluation of StructuresBalram Gupta and Sashi K. Kunnathpp. 367-3924- Isolated Buildings and the 1997 UBC Near-Source FactorsJohn F. Hall and Keri L. Ryanpp. 393-4115- Development of a Performance Evaluation Database for Concrete Bridge Components and Systems under Simulated Seismic LoadsYael Hose, Pedro Silva, and Frieder Seiblepp. 413-4426- Torsional Displacements in Base-Isolated BuildingsR. S. Jangid and J. M. Kellypp. 443-4547- Evaluation and Reduction of Liquefaction Potential at a Site in St. Louis, Missouri Sanjeev Kumarpp. 455-4728- Practical Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of TanksPraveen Malhotrapp. 473-4929- Lessons of the 25 January 1999 Earthquake in Central ColombiaMauricio Sánchez-Silva, Luis E. Yamín, and Bernardo Caicedopp. 493-51010- Variations between Foundation-Level and Free-Field Earthquake Ground MotionsJonathan P. Stewartpp. 511-532

11- Building Period Formulas for Estimating Seismic DisplacementsAnil K. Chopra and Rakesh K. Goelpp. 533-536

  • Earthquake Spectra -- August 2000 Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 541-710


1- Performance Assessment for a Reinforced Concrete Frame Building
JoAnn Browning, Y. Roger Li, Abraham Lynn, and Jack P. Moehle
pp. 541-555

2- Probabilistic Earthquake Scenarios: Extending Risk Analysis Methodologies to Spatially Distributed Systems
Stephanie E. Chang, Masanobu Shinozuka, and James E. Moore II
pp. 557-572

3- A Nonlinear Analysis Method for Performance-Based Seismic Design
Peter Fajfar
pp. 573-592

4- Selective Control of Base-Isolated Structures with CS Dampers
J. Gluck, Y. Ribakov, and A. N. Dancygier
pp. 593-606

5- Performance of Elevator Systems in the 22 November 1995 Gulf of Eilat-Aqaba Earthquake
R. Levy, A. Rutenberg, P. Magnus, E. Marianchik, and F. Segal
pp. 607-619

6- Displacement-Based Seismic Design for Coupled Wall Systems
Javeed A. Munshi and S. K. Ghosh
pp. 621-642

7- Validated Estimation of Response Spectra for the 1980 Irpinia Earthquake in the Eastern Area of Naples
C. Nunziata, G. Costa, F. Marrara, and G. F. Panza
pp. 643-660

8- Assessment of Seismic Site Effects in 2-D Alluvial Valleys Using Neural Networks
Roberto Paolucci, Pietro Colli, and Giorgio Giacinto
pp. 661-680

9- Empirical Study of Sediment-Filled Basin Response: The Case of Taipei City
Vladimir Yu. Sokolov, Chin-Hsiung Loh, and Kuo-Liang Wen
pp. 681-707


10- Design of Seismic Isolated Structures: From Theory to Practice
Mehmet Celebi
pp. 709-710


  • Earthquake Spectra -- November 2000 Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 715-880

1- A Simplified Procedure to Assess the Seismic Response of Nonlinear StructuresT. Albanesi, C. Nuti, and I. Vanzipp. 715-7342- Dynamic Racking Performance of an Earthquake-Isolated Curtain Wall SystemJamie L. Brueggeman, Richard A. Behr, Heinrich Wulfert, Ali M. Memari, and Paul A. Kremerpp. 735-7563- Analysis of Seismic Damage Patterns in Old Masonry Church FacadesSiro Casolo, Siegfried Neumair, Maria A. Parisi, and Vincenzo Petrinipp. 757-7734- Behavior and Design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel, and Steel-Concrete Coupling BeamsKent A. Harries, Bingnian Gong, and Bahram M. Shahroozpp. 775-7995- Seismic Fragility Curves for On-Grade Steel TanksMichael J. O'Rourke and Pak Sopp. 801-8156- Spectral Displacement Demands of Stiffness- and Strength-Degrading SystemsJong-Keol Song and José A. Pincheirapp. 817-8517- Review of Earthquake Performance, Seismic Codes, and Dynamic Analysis of ElevatorsLuis E. Suarez and Mahendra P. Singhpp. 853-878
8- Some Buildings Just Can't Dance: Politics, Life Safety and DisasterMary C. Comeriopp. 879-880

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