Aci 318 technical changes

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Public Discussion Period of Proposed Revisions:From ACI 318-02 to ACI 318-05

"Several important improvements and clarifications have been made since the 2002 edition of
ACI 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary.”

For the sake of clarity, the revisions to ACI 318-02 were split into a list of technical changes and
a list of notation changes. The technical changes are given in this issue of Concrete International
and on the ACI website. Provisions that include both technical and notational changes are shown
with the technical changes. The revised list of notation is incorporated into Chapter 2 and is
included with the technical changes.

Additional notation changes that are considered strictly editorial are available on the ACI
website (, click on “Publications” on the menu bar, then on “Standardization

•  To make the code easier to use, ACI Committee 318 decided to unify the notation. Four
main goals were achieved:
1)  Provided a unique definition for each notation;
2)  Consolidated similar notations as appropriate and eliminated unnecessary ones;
3)  Moved the list of notation from Appendix E to Chapter 2; and
4)  Removed notation list from beginning of each chapter. ..."
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