Property palette disappears and Project browser part far too large


I am working on a laptop and in the office I have two monitors attached to it. This all works fine, but for some reason the Property palette totally disappears and the Project browser palette is so big that I can not see the edge of it....???

So, I tried to use the Repair Software and Reinstall Software functionality, but they did not help.

Therefore, I looked into the Registry (regedit) and here is what I did:
1. Exit Revit 2011
2. Go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Structure 2011\Components\Panels

2. Select PropertiesPalette, press Change and Paste this into it:


3. Select ProjectBrowser, press Change and Paste this into it:


4. Close the Registry
5. Start Revit 2011

Now, both palettes will appear on the left side of your Revit screen. Success!!!

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