Getting the best drafting jobs - Guest Post

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Are you looking for a job in the drafting field?  This article is a Guest Post from Edwin Chan (check out his website Design Establishment.) and he gives some good advice when looking for CAD or drafting work.

Getting the Best Drafting Jobs

As a designer, engineer or drafter, there are many different drafting jobs that you can do. Whether it is something you want to do full time or even something on the side for a bit of extra cash, there are many options out there to choose from. This article will look at how you can go about making yourself stand out from the other job candidates when on the job hunt.

Building Your Skill Set

Take a look at your resume and see what skills you already have that you can build on. For example, if you are a guru on AutoCAD, then picking up a similar program such as Double CAD XT or GStarICAD won’t take long and will fill out your resume more. This holds true for many different drafting and 3D modeling programs. Spending a little extra time learning these programs is a quick and easy way to build your resume up.

The Job Hunt –Get Networking

Once you’ve got a solid resume, it is time to do the searching. There are many different avenues that you can choose. The most powerful way and often the most overlooked would be getting a job through networking. A lot of people love to hire people through recommendation or through association.
Get in contact with the big players in your industry. Build networks and find mentors. Although many of these people are super busy, you will find a majority that would love to help you out. Staying in contact with people and building the relationships over time will greatly increase the chance of you getting referred to a job or being next in line when a job opening does open up. A well networked person usually never runs out of work to do.

Be Flexible

Often being able to draft well in one industry means you can use the skills you already have to jump into another. When looking for the right CAD drafting job, don’t only look for jobs within your industry. For example, if you are good at architectural drafting, then there is nothing stopping you from jumping into marine drafting or drafting schematics. Think about where you can apply your current skills into other industries. This will open up a wider pool of jobs that you can choose from.

Finding the top cad drafting jobs doesn’t have to be hard. Get connected, be flexible and find creative ways to boost your resume. This will greatly improve your chances of getting the best job for your needs.

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