Practical Jokes in AutoCAD

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This is a true and funny story.  Have you ever played a practical joke on somebody that was using AutoCAD?  Like, turn off the PICKFIRST variable?  Or press CTRL+0 as you were casually walking by their workstation?  How about altering their PGP file?  Last weekend, while I was working on my next training video, I scripted and recorded a section on how to edit the PGP file in AutoCAD.  The PGP file defines the command aliases for AutoCAD.  It lets everyone know that if you type L on the command line, that AutoCAD will start the LINE command.  In the video I suggested that you play a trick on somebody and change it so that every time they type L, the Plot Manager opens!  Today, working on my videos again, I kept typing L and the plot manager opens!  It took me three tries until I remembered what i did, to myself!  that might have been the first time I played an AutoCAD trick on myself!


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