Deadlines, what would we do without them?

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Deadlines pile up, more frequently than not.  But that's a good thing.  Without deadlines I might not ever get anything finished.  I have tons of projects that I have started, but few that I have finished.  The projects that have deadlines get finished.  It's a funny thing, motivation. Deadlines are nothing more than a form of motivation.  And getting paid is another popular motivator!

Right now my biggest project is my next AutoCAD training video.  The first one I made is called "AutoCAD Fundamentals".  There are two versions, one for AutoCAD 2010 and another for AutoCAD 2011.  The training video I'm working on now is called "Advanced AutoCAD Techniques", but honestly, that title may change, but the content is the same.

AutoCAD Fundamentals is meant to teach a new user how to use AutoCAD from scratch!  It will even work for AutoCAD LT.  Advanced AutoCAD Techniques will go well beyond the basics.  It will delve into advanced operations, referencing files, data extraction, customizing AutoCAD, animations, 3D Modeling, adn much more.

I don't have a release date for it yet, but stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'm putting together the very early stages of my next project.  This next project revolve around training and the web.  I don't have a date yet, but I am very excited about this.

If you are new to AutoCAD go to my CAD-a-Blog Store page and follow the links to my training DVDs.  If you need further training on AutoCAD and want to become an advanced user, my next video will suite you wonderfully.  It will be here soon enough.

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