Missile Aerodynamics

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Missile Aerodynamics

The similarities between the airplane and the missile extend beyond their flying capabilities, and at higher operational speeds, the configuration distinctions become even less apparent. Missile Aerodynamics, a classic now available from AIAA and Nielsen Engineering and Research, Inc., combines the best of missile and airplane aerodynamics, drawing extensively from numerous technical papers to present a rational and unified account of the principles behind missile projection. Evaluate the missile versus the airplane in a multitude of areas, from longitudinal acceleration, wing loading, roll and dynamic stability, guidance and navigation, and more.

J.N. Nielsen covers every aspect of missile aerodynamics, from the classification of missiles and basic formulas to innovative aerodynamic controls. In one reliable reference, readers will find hundreds of schematics, equations, and tables with practical applications in missile design and engineering. Originally published by Nielsen Engineering and Research, Inc  

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