Mastering Revit Architecture 2011 arrives

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My copy of Mastering Revit Architecture 2011 arrived this morning ( a big thanks to James, Eddie and Phil as well as Peter at Wileys). If you have not seen this book and you are new or even a seasoned Revit user, you need this book! What Eddie, Phil and James have included in terms of depth and breath of knowledge makes it an essential book to have on your desk. What makes this book even more important is that it is Official Autodesk Training material and it will prepare you for everything you need to undertake the Autodesk  Certified Associate and Professional level exams.

James approached me a few months back to contribute to this publication and has been a honour to be able to do so, to what is by far the best Revit book ever. Don’t believe me? Get a copy, you will not be disappointed. :-)

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