Excitech Revit Architecture User Group

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I attended yesterdays Excitech Revit User Group. Good event, although it was a long day and rather jam packed. Good to see many old faces either from firms that I had presented to in the past or ex colleagues. I did a 30 min presentation on Managing Large Concept Design Projects, which I think was well received, certainly got a lot of questions after the event about what I showed.

Angus Brown from Fraser Brown Mackenna Architects did an excellent presentation on how they had created parametric content for the development of many of there student accommodation projects. I remember meeting Angus about 4 years ago, his company where early adopters of Revit. But Angus had a vision on how parametrics could help with design, especially with the type of work his business was being commissioned to do. Whilst he had many frustrations in the early days with Revit, he seems to have developed some great processes and the results are excellent.

Simon Gillis from Autodesk did a inspiring presentation on Autodesk’s approach to sustainable design. Much of this can be found on the Autodesk website. Simon also showed Digital 210 King research project……

Working with the CIMS Lab at Carleton University and Faro Technologies, we are developing a digital model of our offices in Toronto using Building Information Modeling (BIM). We hope that this model becomes a valuable resource to a community of simulation and modeling researchers.



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