Engineering Electromagnetics: Applications By Rajeev Bansal

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Engineering Electromagnetics: Applications

????: Study Temple-All kinds of Study Material Engineering Electromagnetics: Applications By: Rajeev Bansal By: Rajeev Bansal 
ISBN: 0849373638
ISBN-13: 9780849373633
Publisher: CRC - 2006-06-13
Hardcover | 320 Pages
Editorial Review:
Bridging the gap between standard textbooks and specialized references, Engineering Electromagnetics: Applications presents applications of electromagnetics for engineers who have established a fundamental knowledge of engineering electromagnetics. With appendices on constants, units and conversions, and vector analysis and coordinate systems, this volume covers radar, wireless communication systems, satellite communication systems, optical communications, numerical techniques, biological effects of electromagnetic fields, biomedical applications of electromagnetic engineering, and measurement techniques for electromagnetic characterization of biological materials.
Table of Contents: 1 Radar 1 2 Wireless communication systems 37 3 Satellite communication systems 99 4 Optical communications 121 5 Numerical techniques 161 6 Biological effects of electromagnetic fields 189 7 Biomedical applications of electromagnetic engineering 211 8 Measurement techniques for the electromagnetic characterization of biological materials 235

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