Ten Houses 09 - Gwathmey Siegel

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Ten Houses - Gwathmey Siegel

by Michael Oscar Riera Ojeda
Paperback: 108 pages
Publisher: Rockport Publishers (October 1995)
Language: English and Japanese
ISBN-10: 1564962164
ISBN-13: 978-1564962164

Product Description
The Henry Art Gallery at the University of Washington in Seattle needed transforming as it was overshadowed by large buildings that surrounded it. The award-winning Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects, known for its restoration to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, was commissioned to intervene. The firm was able to integrate site, circulation, building and context that beautifully reconciles the site with the rest of the campus. Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects is based in New York City.

About the Author
Oscar Riera Ojeda is an editor and designer who practices in the United States, South America, and Europe from his office in Boston. he is vice-director of the Spanish-Argentinian magazine Casa Internacional and is the creator of several series of architecture publications for Rockport Publishers, including Contemporary World Architects, Ten Houses, Single Building, and Art and Architecture. Other architectural publications include the new American series for the Whitney Library of Design, as well as several monographs on the work of renowned architects.

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