William’s Parametric Bridge Recipe!

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As promised, my colleague William Lopez Campo emailed me the Parametric Bridge Recipe he used for his winning design as last weeks Berlin Design Slam!


Ingredients consisted of :-

  • Context Mesh X1
  • Parametric Void X1
  • Parametric Controlling Box X1
  • Variable Parameters X4
  • A-Level Formulas X3
  • Place Holder Family X2
  • Basic Solids X3

Method :-

  1. Open Context Mesh, add slab and slab edge to form the base of the bridge.
  2. In a bowl mix parametric box, the controlling parameters and the variable with A-level formulas to get a formula driven box.
  3. Generate the solids from the edges of the box, so they follow the constraints of the ‘formulas’.
  4. Load the parametric assemble in the first place holder family, and this one in the bridge.
  5. Create various box types for the shape to follow alternative shapes and assign instances of the place holder family.
  6. Refine position and mirror along axis of the bridge.
  7. Replace placeholder with full instance version and simmer a few minutes.


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