3dsmax 2010 Connection Extension- SAT file export

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I'm surprised this one got past me, but if you are a 3dsmax subscription customer you can download the new Connection Extension for 3dsmax 2010 and 3dsmax Design 2010. For me the highlight is the ability to finally export a SAT file from 3dsmax for use in Revit or Inventor. If the mesh in 3dsmax is watertight, then the resulting SAT file will be water tight, which means we can utilise this file in a Revit Mass to calculate floor areas and use the building maker tools.

In this example I created a torus knot in 3dsmax Design 2010.


I then exported the file; notice that ACIS SAT is now an option in the export menu after installing the extension.


You have a number of different options to choose from when exporting to SAT, including the ability to Export 3ds Max Nurb objects.


Once exported, you will receive a confirmation message to say that the export is complete.


In Revit, we can then import the resulting SAT file into a Mass Family or an Inplace family. Assuming the original 3dsmax mesh is watertight we are then able to cut floor plate and calculate areas from the mass.


The resulting model with floor plates, curtain wall system applied and rendered.


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