AECBtyes Revit Architecture article published

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Lachmi Khemlani has written a good article in AECbytes on this years release of Revit Architecture, 2010. It is well worth the read if you have the time and she certainly makes some positive comment about both the new users interface and the mass tools.

“…Revit’s conceptual modeling environment is much more powerful and sophisticated [than SketchUp]. The heads-up dimension display that shows the dimensions as you are modeling and allows them to be edited—which is so helpful in the detailed modeling stage—also allows conceptual masses to be created to the exact level of accuracy desired. The ability to tie geometry to reference lines and planes, and add constraints and parameters makes it easy to iterate through many design variations easily and quickly. The new surface dividing, patterning, and panelizing capabilities makes Revit’s conceptual modeling environment even more compelling."

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