Autodesk Wants to Know if You Want Transparent Objects in AutoCAD

It seems that the good people in the AutoCAD Product Design and Usability Group want to know if you are interested in having the ability to make objects transparent in AutoCAD. I'm glad they asked because I would love that. In fact I was trying to that the other day, and today. Seems like I am trying to do that more and more now. Please Autodesk, put this in. But do it right, please.

They are giving us the chance to tell them how we would like to handle our transparencies. They have produced a fairly extensive survey (took me about 5 to 10 minutes to complete) that you can fill out. It's a good survey format, easy to use and there are plenty of comment boxes where you can further explain your desires. They want to know how you would use it so they can put the proper tools into the next version of AutoCAD!

Follow this link to get to the survey: “Transparency in AutoCAD” Survey

The Survey will be active: May 6-15, 2009.

Check it out and voice your professional opinion on the matter.

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