Sound Insulation by Carl Hopkins

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Sound Insulation by Carl Hopkins

Sound Insulation by Carl Hopkins

Requirement :

PDF Reader, 649 pages

Original File Size : 8304KB

Compressed File Size : 7547 KB

Overview :

Sound insulation is an important aspect of building performance. This book is a comprehensive guide to sound and vibration theory and its application to the measurement and prediction of sound insulation in buildings. It enables the reader to tackle a wide range of issues relating to sound insulation during the design and construction stages of a building, and to solve problems in existing buildings.

The book has been written for engineers, consultants, building designers, students in acoustics, researchers and those involved in the manufacture and design of building products.

Key aspects are that it:

  • Explains the fundamental theory using examples that show its direct application to buildings
  • Guides the reader through the links between measurement and theory
  • Explains concepts that are important for the application, interpretation and understanding of guidance documents, test reports, product data sheets, published papers, regulations and Standards
  • Makes direct reference to ISO and EN Standards on sound insulation
  • Contains a large number of illustrations showing measurements, predictions and example calculations for quick reference

Carl Hopkins previously worked on building acoustics and environmental noise at the Building Research Establishment. During this time he was involved with sound insulation in research, consultancy, standardization, and building regulations as well as being an advisor on acoustics to government departments. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool within the Acoustics Research Unit of the School of Architecture.


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