Photovoltaics And Architecture

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Photovoltaics And Architecture

Photovoltaics And Architecture

Editors : Randall Thomas and Max Fordham | Published by Taylor & Francis | Publication date : April 2001

ISBN : 0415231825 | PDF Format, 168 pages | English | Original File Size : 8051 KB | Compressed File Size : 7698 KB

Overview :
In energy source terms, if we call the 19th century was the age of coal and the 20th of oil, the 21st will be the age of the sun.
The principal reason for this is that photovoltaic (PV) systems which produce electricity directly from solar radiation are becoming more widespread as their advantages become apparent and their costs fall. PVs are an advanced materials technology that will help us design buildings which are environmentally responsible, responsive and exciting.

This new guide provides an overview of how PVs work and how they are incorporated in the design of buildings, it gives the information that designers and, in particular, architects, need. It is for those who wish to assess the feasibility of using PVs in a specific project, for those who have already decided to use PVs and want to know how to do so and for those with the foresight to want to plan their buildings for PVs in the future.


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