Nigel Dunnet - Dynamic Landscape Design, Ecology and Management of Naturalistic Urban Planting

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Nigel Dunnet - Dynamic Landscape Design, Ecology and Management of Naturalistic Urban Planting | Spon Press | 2004 | 304 pages | PDF | RAR

Product Description
The last quarter of the twentieth-century witnessed a burgeoning of interest in ecological or naturally inspired use of vegetation in the designed landscape. More recently a strong aesthetic element has been added to what was formerly a movement aimed at creating nature-like landscapes. The book advances a fusion of scientific and ecological planting design philosophy that can address the need for more sustainable designed landscapes. It is a major statement on the design, implementation and management of ecologically inspired landscape vegetation. With contributions from people at the forefront of developments in this field, in both Europe and North America, it provides a valuable synthesis of current thinking.

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