Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning

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Wenche Dramstad, James D. Olson, Richard T.T. Forman - Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning | Island Press | 1996 | 80 p. | PDF | RAR | 35 MB
Book Description:
Landscape ecology has emerged in the past decade as an important and useful tool for land-use planners and landscape architects. While professionals and scholars have begun to incorporate aspects of this new field into their work, there remains a need for a summary of key principles and how they might be applied in design and planning.
This volume fills that need. It is a concise handbook that lists and illustrates key principles in the field, presenting specific examples of how the principles can be applied in a range of scales and diverse types of landscapes around the world.
Chapters cover:

* patches - size, number, and location
* edges and boundaries
* corridors and connectivity
* mosaics
* summaries of case studies from around the world

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