Ireland Initiates Massive Pork Recall

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Ireland has issued an international recall of all pork products because they could contain dioxins, Voice of America News reported.
Prolonged exposure to “some forms” of dioxins can cause cancer, Reuters explained.
The recall applies to all Irish pork products produced since Sept. 1, 2008; up to 25 countries, including the United States, Russia, Japan, China, France and Germany, may have received contaminated pork.
Authorities say the pigs became contaminated after they ate tainted feed. The pig feed was produced at a plant that uses oil as a fuel to dry waste food and then turn it into animal feed. In this instance, a non-food grade oil was used instead of a food grade oil.
Ten of Ireland’s 500 pig farms, as well as nine farms in Northern Ireland, have used tainted feed. Veterinary officials stated that they will not allow pork processing to resume until all producers can demonstrate that their animal feed is safe.
Meanwhile, Ireland’s pork producers are bracing for the financial consequences of the recall. According to VOA News, the Irish pig industry “is worth more than $600 million per year.” The Belfast Telegraph reports approximately 100,000 pigs will be killed because of this scare.

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