As a CAD User, what are your issues?

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Tell me your problems. I don't mean problems in using CAD, like how do I divide a line into three equal parts? I mean work related issues. For example:

  • How do I deal with a difficult CAD Manager?
  • How do I deal with difficult CAD Users?
  • My boss knows nothing about CAD but tells me how to use it?
  • Our CAD Standards are awful.
  • My hardware is unreliable, what do I do?
  • How do I improve my skills?
  • My boss is a jerk, now what?
  • I need a job, so what do I do?
I am looking for questions from a CAD Technician's point of view, or from a CAD Users perspective. I am not looking for CAD Managers issues, though the two often share the same problems.

So, what are your problems? And how do you handle them?

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