Architectural Design - 5 books

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Architectural Design - 5 books
New Working Spaces / New Houses in Old Buildings / New Coastal Houses / Residences for the Elderly / New Health Facilities / PDF / RAR
1. New Working Spaces

New Working Spaces features architecture created for the tertiary sector which has become a hot topic at present. The application of new computer technologies has caused a revolution in the way that we work, which in turn has caused a revolution in the way are accommodated at work. As this book demonstrates a more pleasant working environment is being created through the application of criteria such as intelligent construction, ergonomics, improved air conditioning systems, new cladding methods, ecological efficiency, health concerns, and control of light intensity.

from Rapidshare (35.5 MB): New Working Spaces

2. New Houses in Old Buildings

from Rapidshare (36 MB): New Houses in Old Buildings

3. New Coastal Houses

Houses constructed in coastal areas come in a myriad of styles and designs but one thing they have in common is the fundamental role played by the presence of the sea. However different their styles, dimensions, construction materials, and the uses to which they are put, their proximity to water will have had the largest single influence on the way in which they have come into existence. In this case, location will have determined not only the orientation of the dwelling but also the layout of the internal spaces, size of windows, type of outside living areas, and to some degree protection from the elements. Features works by Silvia Gmur & Livio Vacchini, 10 Arquitectos, MVRDV and Toshiko Mori.

from Rapidshare (74 MB): New Coastal Houses

4. Residences for the Elderly

from Rapidshare (71 MB): Residences for the Elderly

5. New Health Facilities

Hospitals and health centers are a unique category of architecture with clearly defined characteristics. Health architecture must offer imaginative, constructive responses and flexible solutions to the problem raised by this special type of facility: planning, budgets and space as well as the idiosyncrasies arising from each particular field of health. New Health Facilities presents the best examples of health architecture constructed in recent years and each of the architects demonstrates a solid understanding of the need to create new and better health facilities.

from Rapidshare (35.5 MB): New Health Facilities

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