I want to thank everyone for voting on the new name for CAD-a-Blog. The new name and URL (web address) has been chosen, and I feel that we have chosen wisely. My problem occurred when I went to purchase a URL for CAD-a-Blog. It so happened that cadablog.com was taken. It is some sort of Japanese website. I don't know exactly what it is about as I do not read Japanese.
I panicked!!!
So, I came up with the idea of renaming the site. My wife and I brainstormed a few ideas, and we couldn't decide. So I brought it to the readers of CAD-a-Blog. You all choose "WILL CAD FOR FOOD". I love it!!
During the voting process, a reader of CAD-a-Blog e-mailed me. Bobby Michaels asked why I just don't use:
I'll tell you why, because I didn't think about that!! What a moron I am!! Well, I did think about, for two seconds, and I didn't like having hyphens in the URL. After Bobby's e-mail, I gave it a thought and said why not? It's makes sense to keep the name the same. Do you know how much work I would have had to do to change the name??? What was I thinking??
So, I bought cad-a-blog.com and have set it up. So now, if you type in cad-a-blog.com you will get here!!! The old URL still works two, so use it if you want to. There is no need to change your bookmarks, links, etc, unless you want to. cad-a-blog.com will get you to the home page and you can surf around just the same as before.
This also means that I have a new e-mail address. it is: bbenton@cad-a-blog.com
Again, the old e-mail will still work, but please use the new one if you can. And yes, I have completed my journey to the GEEK side. I now have my own URL!! Who doesn't these days right?
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate each and every vote. i might do something with the WILL CAD FOR FOOD slogan some day!!
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