Cadalyst Magazine Luanches CAD Tip Web site!

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Cadalyst Magazine will be launching a new feature, CAD Tips. This is a collection of all of their CAD Tips they have received over the years! Right now it is still in Beta, but will be released around the 9th of July to the public. Upon it’s unveiling, there will be nearly 1800 tips available to browse and search through. These tips come from the Hot Tip Harry column. Cadalyst has plans to add their other tips on a later date.

This new feature will work similarly to a wiki, but not exactly. You will be able to add your own tips, comment and tag other tips, etc. Many of them have LISP or VBA files that you can download and use. The nice thing about this website is that all of the tips will be in one place making it easier to find them.

I am very familiar with the content of this project as I was fortunate enough to be able to work with Cadalyst on it. I helped with the initial tagging of the tips, and other CAD related concepts. I started to tag the newest tips and worked my way back in time. It was very interesting to see the needs and wants of CAD users and how they approached solving different issues. Many of the tips and routines preformed tasks that Autodesk later added to AutoCAD as a main feature. My favorite tip, and one of the oldest, that I came across was a tip on how to take care of Plotter Pins!!! Do any of you use a pin plotter today? Most of the older tips seemed to help in aligning text (remember when all we had was DTEXT?)

Because of my involvement, Cadalyst has given me the go ahead to let CAD-a-Blog readers in on this new secret a few days earlier than the rest of the world! The site is up and running. Just go to it, sign up (it’s free) and take a look. Rank some tips, tag some tips, submit your own, etc. Keep in mind that it is still in Beta Form and you might run into a few snags. If you do, feel free to e-mail those issues to:

Before I forget, here is the address for the new site:

Enjoy this bit of news and enjoy it before the rest of the world does!

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