AutoCAD 2009 - Service Pack 1 (it's about time!)

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Autodesk has released Service Pack 1 (or SP1) for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, and other products.

I know that many CAD-a-Blog readers have discussed issues with the FIND command and its lack of "zoom to" features. Essentially when you used the FIND command, and did a "zoom to", then closed the find command, your screen would return to a previous state, and not on the object you zoomed to. Well, this service pack fixes that, even though it isn't stated in the README file. So, rest assured that this feature now works properly!!

To get the file, go to this Autodesk Service and Support page. The download and instructions are there. Make sure you read the README file. It will tell you what has been updated, how to install it, how to uninstall it (you never know), and more.

Here is a partial list of topics that were updated in this patch:
  • 3D Visual Styles
  • Annotation Scaling
  • External References (xref) palette
  • Raster Images
  • Partial Open
  • Plot
  • Properties Palette
  • Hatch
  • Remote text (rtext)

General Updates

The following defects have also been fixed:


Annotation Scaling



Export a Layout to Model Space

When you export a layout to model space the following occurs:

External Reference ESW



Menu Browser

Multileader (mleader)

Multiline Text (mtext)


Partial Open


Property Palette


Quick Properties




Visual LISP


I hope this helps you out with your AutoCAD 2009 experience.

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