Quick Xref Tip

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Here is a quick tip to use when working with xref's. How many times have you been working with a drawing file that is referencing another file only to find that you need to edit that file? Follow me? Example: I was working on a site plan for a small project that was adjacent to another project we did several years ago. To provide background information I referenced a file in the older project.

Well, that older file needed some updating due to a revision to the design. I wanted to open it and make these changes. There are several options to take. I can select the referenced file, right click and start the REFEDIT command. I can also start the REFEDIT command, then select the object.

I could select and then right click the object to select the open file option in the short cut menu. Or I could, FILE, OPEN< then browse. What I did was open the xref manager, right click the file, then select the open option.

Any of these methods works great. The shortcut menu option is probably the quickest, unless you have the option turned off.

Just a quick tip I wanted to share.


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