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I have been posting about data extraction lately, so why stop now right? I posted about the ATTEXT and the EATTEXT (always makes me hungry). I also posted about the DATAEXTRACTION command too (this is really nice by the way.) Now I want to talk with you about a command that is very simple, but can get you basic information very quickly. It is also the easiest to use. That command is BCOUNT.

BCOUNT counts the blocks in a file and returns that info to you in the command line. So, lets go!!

Type in BCOUNT, select the objects you want to count, then enter. The command line will scroll with text, first stating the number of blocks selected, then each block with how many of each. Very simple. If you need that data, just select it in the command line, copy, and paste it to wherever you want to.

BCOUNT is not perfect. If you have accidentally inserted a block on top of a block, it will count both (this is true for all data extraction tools.) Also, BCOUNT won't count dynamic blocks that have been changed. That means if you insert a dynamic block then use one of its dynamic options, BCOUNT can no longer count it, so be careful.

That being said, BCOUNT is a good tool to give you a quick idea of how many of each block you have.


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