Freewheel Technology

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Freewheel was released a few years back by Autodesk as an experimental technology and it first appeared on there Autodesk Labs website. I tried it when it was first released and it seemed a bit slow, but over the last year or so it has been improved and it now seems to come in two flavours, Project Freewheel and Autodesk Freewheel, you’ll see what the differences are at this page....

Project Freewheel

Autodesk Freewheel

One smart feature with Autodesk Freewheel is that you can embed the viewer into your web pages allowing you to display interactive 2D and 3D CAD designs without requiring your visitors to download special viewing software. Autodesk provides sample code on how to do this at the Autodesk Freewheel site. So I was keen to see if I could embed the code that Autodesk provide on my blog site to display Revit DWF drawings interactively. All I needed to do was produce a DWF from Revit, host that on my website and then using the code Autodesk provide, I adjusted the code so that I pathed it to the DWF on my website, I then added the adjusted code to this blog.

This seems like a great way to display Revit drawings and images interactively on the web. If you interested in how it was achieved, I recommend going to ....

In a future blog, I'll take a look at what Project Freewheel has to offer for the Revit user.

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