3DS Max MasterClass Productivity and Mapping in Visualization

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3DS Max MasterClass Productivity and Mapping in Visualization | 895.79 MB

Good materials, along with lighting, are important elements in creating convincing visualizations for your clients. In this DVD, you will learn tips and tricks using parametric maps that ship with Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk VIZ, which will allow you to make flexible materials that can quickly be changed for increased productivity. You will learn to control some of the settings in the map types that enable effects otherwise difficult to achieve.
This DVD is for architectural and background visualization artists interested in increasing their productivity.

Topics include:
Creating a brick or tile map
Creating pattern variations
Creating and customizing a wood floor
Tricks for rendering out the floor
Using falloff maps
Using specular highlights
Creating light and snow effects
Creating a building with windows
Fitting text explicitly to an object
Presentation run time: 1 hour 56 minutes
Autodesk 3ds Max scene files included

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