What New In Adobe Photoshop Cs3

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Photoshop CS3 is now at version 10 of this phenomenally successful program (well twelth actually, if you count versions 2.5 and 5.5). And it all started almost twenty years ago in late 1987, when Thomas Knoll with his brother John, created the first prototype version of Photoshop. Photoshop CS3 has come on a long way since then, so much so that even in a big book like this there is only enough space to cover the features that are of specific interest to photographers. Adobe have also taken the unusual step this time around of making this version of Photoshop available as a public beta, well ahead of the prospective shipping date for the full CS3 suite. What follows is therefore also a kind of beta chapter of my book in which I have outlined the features that I think will be of most interest to photographers.

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