Adobe Photoshop 7 Top 7 Tips And Tricks

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So by now, you’ve probably heard all about the major features of Photoshop 7.0. You’ve been awed by the Healing Brush and Patch tool, impressed with the File Browser and Painting engine, thrilled with the enhancements to Liquify and the ability to easily create seamless pattern with the Pattern Maker. Not to mention the ability to define tool presets and workspaces, automatically correct color and publish images to both print and web with terrific ease. You’re no doubt speechless. Well, the reality is that, as with any new version of Photoshop, there are far more features than you’ll find on the box. You just KNOW the Photoshop engineers have adjusted and tweaked, honed and shuffled. But wait, how can you possibly learn them all before your next major deadline? Simple. I’ve put together my top 7 tips to make the transition from Photoshop 6.0 to Photoshop 7.0 as easy as possible. So lets take the insiders look at all of the enhancements that didn’t make the front page, but will make a dramatic difference in your workflow. Some are obvious, but others are more subtle. Others are so smooth, you might miss them.

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