Not only do I do CAD stuff, I also work with the IT department. I love it. I am not a computer expert by any means, but I am good enough to be dangerous to myself. My experience has allowed me to geek out with computer stuff at home. I set up a wireless router for my DSL connection, got a laptop, and now i can surf in the tub if I want to. Going to the desktop every time is such a chore any more.
We live in a duplex, with my mother-in-law living in the apartment downstairs. We were frugal and got one internet service and a wireless router and split the cost. Works nice. Except when her laptop goes out. Right now I am taking a break from fixing her wireless connection. i just finished after two hours of trying everything. I finally deleted the connect and made a new one. Works great. I should have started with that before I changed every setting and surfed the net for even more complicated solutions that solve anything.
My point. Wouldn't it be great if we could fix everything the same way we do computers? I mean, when there is an error, or it locks up, or just doesn't work right, you simply turn it off, then turn it back on. If my car won't run right, I should be able to turn it off, count to five, then start 'er up again.
When at work, that is the first thing I tell my users to do. turn off the software/computer, then turn it back on. Do this twice then call me if the problem still remains. I meet this solution with sighs, and glaring looks. they ask me why it works, I say "Does it matter? It just works so please do it." It works because when you turn it off then on again, it resets all of the settings. It is kind of like a human going on vacation to reset their mood, emotions, and stress. You have to clear your mind once in a while, so does a computer.
Talk at ya later.
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