SYCODE Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD 1.0

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SYCODE Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD is a mesh boolean modeling plug-in for AutoCAD. Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD gives AutoCAD the ability to perform boolean operations between PolyFace Meshes, Polygon Meshes and 3D Solids or a combination of all.The geometry of a solid object can be described in AutoCAD as a 3D Solid, PolyFace Mesh or a Polygon Mesh entity. However, AutoCAD's solid modeling commands (Union, Subtract and Intersect) work with 3D Solids only. AutoCAD does not provide any commands to perform boolean operations on PolyFace Meshes and Polygon Meshes. Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD removes this limitation by adding new mesh modeling commands to AutoCAD that give AutoCAD the ability to perform boolean operations (add, subtract and intersect) between PolyFace Meshes, Polygon Meshes and 3D Solids or a combination of all.

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