AcadCalcStair 02

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AcadCalcStair - Stair and Rail Auto drafting program + Calculator for AutoCAD. Main features: · STAIRS & RAILS. Parametrical Modeling and Auto Drafting. On the base of parameters the program creates the drawing: Stair Plan and Elevation with all main dimensions. Available options: apply different scale; Visible or Hidden (behind the wall) representation of Stair Elevation · CALCULATIONS. Mathematical operations; Slope, Triangle and Stair calculations. All formats of numbers are acceptable: architectural, fractional, decimal and AutoCAD format · MODIFY AutoCAD objects. AcadCalcStair can directly perform AutoCAD commands using the results of calculations: move, copy, scale and array. Get distances from AutoCAD and use them in calculations - one of the options of program · PROTOCOL: results of calculations are automatically placed in Protocol, where the user can add comments. The protocol contents can be copied and transferred through clipboard in any text editor.

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