Soil Mechanics
Course notes, presentations and exam questions by David Airey, University of Sydney, Australia.
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Lecture Notes by Lucy Jen and Charles Ladd, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. USA.
In the note, ‘Key Design Parameters’, it was indicated that for c-ø soil, calculation of active earth pressure for design of Abutment/Retaining wall should
Estimation of active earth pressure against rigid retaining walls
It is known that the distribution of active earth pressure against a translating rigid wall is not triangular but nonlinear, owing to arching effects in the
Pile Foundation Analysis and Design
Lecture Notes by H.G. Poulos and E.H. Davis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia.
Foundation Engineering
Course notes and presentations by David Airey, University of Sydney, Australia.
Geotechnical Engineering Design
Lecture Notes and Powerpoint Presentations by Priyantha W. Jayawickrama, Texas Tech University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Soil Mechanics - Presentation
Lecture Notes and Slides by Kamal S. Tawfiq, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Foundation engineering and design
Classification of deep foundations, types of pile foundation 2. Load transfer mechanism: friction resistance, . Lecture notes provided by the instructor
Theoretical Geomechanics
Course notes by Marinn Ivan.

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