Ultimate Home Design - 2009/01-02

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Ultimate Home Design - 2009 January February
Ultimate Home Design is aimed at homeowners and leading-edge building trade practitioners. This new consumer and trade magazine will serve as a design and build resource for environmentally enhanced lifespan living.

The magazine embraces the "Ultimate Home Design" concept, which recognizes, respects, values, and attempts to accommodate the broadest possible spectrum of human abilities, regardless of age, ability, or physical stature, in the ergonomic design of products and environments that are easier to use and more aesthetically appealing, while optimally integrating sustainable green building practices and minimizing the overall impact on the natural environment.

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- Rapidshare.com/files/240042475/GFX-Ultimate.Home.Design.02.2009.pdf
- Rapidshare.com/files/239553223/UHomeDesign022009.pdf
- Easy-share.com/1905483020/UHomeDesign022009.pdf
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