No, I'm not Neo from the Matrix. Nor am I miraculously imbued with a higher midichlorian count than Master Yoda (though I am looking for a second opinion on that one). The gracious, or perhaps the delusional (at least slightly confused), people at Autodesk have chosen me to be a Speaker at Autodesk University 2008! YAY ME!! To bad for the class attendees!
Enough about me, lets talk about my class. The class name is "Creating and Maintaining a CAD Manual." Pretty deep huh? This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Standards, CAD Standards; You know them, love them, hate them, and crave them all at the same time. We won't look at creating a standard, but instead we will look at taking the standards you already have and organize them. Perhaps a few standards will be needed here and there, but for the most part, some sort of standard or rule of thumb are already set in place.
My class will be help on Thursday (December 4th) at 8:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. I hope you are all morning people! Somebody please bring me a Starbucks! Venti!! Sign up for my class. If I don't have at least 20 people register Autodesk will cancel my class!! We don't want that. By we I mean me and my wife. For teaching a class, Autodesk lets me in for free!! Oh the power!! But if my class is canceled, well, there goes the perks and all of a sudden I have to pay to get in!! OUCH!! To me its only money, I can always make more.
Anyway, I am very excited to be going to AU and to be Speaking. If you aren't going then shame on you. If you are, then come to my class. We'll hang out, have fun, talk CAD, whatever. After class you can buy me lunch!! Just kidding.
Happy CADDING!!!
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