AutoCAD 2009 - Infocenter Enhancements

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Infocenter is not new to AutoCAD, but in the 2009 release it has been improved. I have found Infocenter to be a great tool because I can search for answers in a number of places. The enhancements to it allow the user to expand the search field or to collapse it. This helps to save screen real estate (a big mantra in AutoCAD 2009.) The other biggest improvement is that when searching through the help files, the user can select which documents to look through. This also means that users can search through company documents too. If you have a CAD manual, or even non-AutoCAD documents, they can be searched through in Infocenter. How great is that?

I would like to mention that Infocenter could also be an RSS (Real Simple Syndication) reader. What is an RSS much less an RSS reader? An RSS is simply a way to let others know a website, or blog, or some sort of informational site has been updated. When an RSS feed enabled site has been updated, a note goes out through the RSS feed. Anyone that has subscribed to that feed will be made aware and provided a link. This makes communication very easy. I have an RSS Feed for CAD-a-Blog. If you haven’t signed up for it go ahead. Just click on the RSS Feed button at the top right hand portion of the site. That way when I add something you will know and can get right over here to see it. You don’t have to come here and try and figure out what’s new, if anything. It’s a way of me, helping you, to get the latest info. It is also a courtesy to you to help you maximize your time.

This is also a great tool for CAD Managers to use to help their users. A CAD Manager could set up an RSS feed and have each AutoCAD station set to read it. When an announcement, a new standard, or some bit of information needs to get out to the masses, the manager can update the site and all users will be notified. It could be a great tool.

The newly enhanced Infocenter makes these things much easier to maintain and use.

To add a feed to the Infocenter, or to the Communication Center in AutoCAD 2009, right click the Infocenter icon, click SERACH SETTINGS, and then go to the RSS Feeds button. Click it. A list will be displayed of the current feeds you have set up. To add a feed, click the ADD button at the top. Now, add the feed for CAD-a-Blog:


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