My First Post

So I did it. I have started a blog. Why? Why not. I am trying to start something new for me here. I don't know much but I know CAD. I am good with computers (good enough anyway to be dangerous.) I am trying to establish myself as a technical writer. I have found many resources on the internet that I hope will help me.
I have no idea how often I will post something here. If I am lucky, every day! I think that's a little ambitious. In reality if I can post once to twice a week i will be very happy. If I can get some decent traffic through here that will be even better.
If you read my brief bio on the side bar there, then you know I have been using AutoCAD for a while now. When I first started everyone in the engineering department called me "kid." I was 19 years old at the time. Now I am 33 (I had to think about that for a second) and the "old timer." In my office here I have the most cad experience. Everywhere else I worked the users had similar experience. I enjoy this position. I give advise and instruction daily. That's why I am the Senior Engineering CAD Tech where I work. Basically I am the CAD Manager here without the title. I manage people, the software, standards, etc. I had the distinct pleasure of leading the team that created the company's first CAD Standards Manual. That was fun, let me tell you. No really, it was. I enjoyed it. I think I enjoy being able to say that I lead the team. It does wonders for my ego.

I could go on forever (you will see) so I'll stop now before I make one monstrous blog and have nothing else to say.

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