ACI-318-08 Download

ACI 318-08: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

Description: ACI 318-08: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete covers the materials, design, and construction of structural concrete used in buildings and where applicable in nonbuilding structures. The ACI 318-08 also covers the strength evaluation of existing concrete structures.

Among the subjects covered are drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements; concrete quality, mixing, and placing; formwork; embedded pipes; construction joints; reinforcement details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion; development and splices of reinforcement; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; shells and folded plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures; provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; strut-and-tie modeling in Appendix A; alternative design provisions in Appendix B; alternative load and strength-reduction factors in Appendix C; and anchoring to concrete in Appendix D.

The quality and testing of materials used in construction are covered by reference to the appropriate ASTM standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate AWS standard.

Uses of the ACI 318-08 include adoption by reference in general building codes, and earlier editions have been widely used in this manner. ACI 318-08 is written in a format that allows such reference without change to its language. Therefore, background details or suggestions for carrying out the requirements or intent of the ACI 318-08 portion cannot be included. The Commentary is provided for this purpose. Some of the considerations of the committee in developing the ACI 318-08 portion are discussed within the Commentary, with emphasis given to the explanation of new or revised provisions. Much of the research data referenced in preparing ACI 318-08 is cited for the user desiring to study individual questions in greater detail. Other documents that provide suggestions for carrying out the requirements of ACI 318-08 are also cited.

From the Introduction
This Commentary discusses some of the considerations of Committee 318 in developing the provisions contained in "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08)," hereinafter called the Code or the 2008 Code. Emphasis is given to the explanation of new or revised provisions that may be unfamiliar to Code users. In addition, comments are included for some items contained in previous of the Code to make the present commentary independent of the previous editions. Comments on specific provisions are made under the corresponding chapter and section numbers of the Code.

The Commentary is not intended to provide a complete historical background concerning the development of the Code, nor is it intended to provide a detailed résumé of the studies and research data reviewed by the committee in formulating the provisions of the Code. However, references of the research data are provided for those who wish to study the background material in depth.

As the name implies, "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" is meant to be used as part of a legally adopted building code and as such must differ in form and substance from documents that provide detailed specifications, recommended practice, complete design procedures, or design aids.

The Code is intended to cover all buildings of the usual types, both large and small. Requirements more stringent than the Code provisions may be desirable for unusual construction. The Code and Commentary cannot replace sound engineering knowledge, experience, and judgment.

A building code states only the minimum requirements necessary to provide for public health and safety. The Code is based on this principle. For any structure, the owner or the licensed design professional may require the quality of materials and construction to be higher than the minimum requirements necessary to protect the public as stated in the Code. However, lower standards are not permitted.

The Commentary directs attention to other documents that provide suggestions for carrying out the requirements and intent of the Code. However, those documents and the Commentary are not a part of the Code.

The Code has no legal status unless it is adopted by the government bodies having the police power to regulate building design and construction. Where the Code has not been adopted, it may serve as a reference to good practice even though it has no legal status.

The Code provides a means of establishing minimum standards for acceptance of designs and construction by legally appointed building officials or their designated representatives. The Code and Commentary are not intended for use in settling disputes between the owner, engineer, architect, contractor, or their agents, subcontractors, material suppliers, or testing agencies. Therefore, the Code cannot define the contract responsibility of each of the parties in usual construction. General references requiring compliance with the Code in the project specifications should be avoided since the contractor is rarely in a position to accept responsibility for design details or construction requirements that depend on a detailed knowledge of the design. Design-build construction contractors, however, typically combine the design and construction responsibility. Generally, the drawings, specifications, and contract documents should contain all of the necessary requirements to ensure compliance with the Code. In part, this can be accomplished by reference to specific Code sections in the project specifications. Other ACI publications, such as "Specifications for Structural Concrete (ACI 301)" are written specifically for use as contract documents for construction.

It is recommended to have testing and certification programs for the individual parties involved with the execution of work performed in accordance with this Code.


Aci 318 05 - Free Download

ACI 318-05: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
Description :
ACI 318 is a must-have standard for all concrete design, construction, inspection, repair, and research professionals. ACI 318-05 contains the latest code requirements for concrete building design and construction. The companion commentary is a side-by-side column format to match the corresponding code requirements. The commentary provides some of the considerations of the committee in developing code provisions. This edition of the ACI Building Code is deemed to satisfy the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19338, Performance Assessment Requirements for Design Standards on Structural Concrete.The 2005 Edition has improved readability by unifying notations and terminology throughout the code. In addition, there are several specific technical changes and various existing provisions were clarified.
Among the subjects covered are: drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements; concrete quality, mixing, and placing; formwork; construction joints; reinforcement details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion; development and splices of reinforcement; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; strength evaluation of existing structures; provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; strut-and-tie modeling in Appendix A; and anchoring to concrete in Appendix D.
The code portion of this document covers the design and construction of structural concrete used in buildings and where applicable in nonbuilding structures.
Among the subjects covered are: drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements; concrete quality, mixing and placing; formwork; embedded pipes; construction joints; reinforcement details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion; development and splices of reinforcement; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; shells and folded plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures; special provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; strut-and-tie modeling in Appendix A; alternative design provisions in Appendix B; alternative load and strength-reduction factors in Appendix C; and anchoring to concrete in Appendix D.
The quality and testing of materials used in construction are covered by reference to the appropriate ASTM standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate ANSI/AWS standard.
Uses of the code include adoption by reference in general building codes, and earlier editions have been widely used in this manner. The code is written in a format that allows such reference without change to its language. Therefore, background details or suggestions for carrying out the requirements or intent of the code portion cannot be included. The commentary is provided for this purpose. Some of the considerations of the committee in developing the code portion are discussed within the commentary, with emphasis given to the explanation of new or revised provisions. Much of the research data referenced in preparing the code is cited for the user desiring to study individual questions in greater detail. Other documents that provide suggestions for carrying out the requirements of the code are also cited.

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Managing Construction Logistics


Sullivan, Gary. Barthorpe, Stephen. Robbins, Stephen , "Managing Construction Logistics"
Wiley-Blackwell | 2010 | ISBN: 1444323393, 1405151242 | 304 pages | PDF | 10,7 MB

Every major industry except construction uses logistics to improve its bottom line…
Poor logistics is costing the construction industry at least £3 billion a year according to a report – ‘Improving Construction Logistics’ – published by the Strategic Forum for Construction. Additional costs arise as a result of operatives waiting for materials, and skilled craftsmen being used for unskilled jobs. Inadequate management of logistics also has an adverse effect on quality, causes delays to projects, and adds to the health and safety risks on site.

This practical book highlights the benefits of good logistics as well as the use of consolidation centres on projects. It shows how reduction in transport movements, less money tied up in stock, less waste, and the more efficient use of skilled craftsmen will reduce the cost of projects, reduce construction time, improve quality, reduce risks to health and safety, improve environmental performance and generally improve the image of the industry.

The authors offer practical ways of achieving these benefits through integrated project teams and supply chains and the increased adoption of information technology including electronic communications, bar coding, and electronic tagging for tracing products. They also show how specific roles for each part of the industry can help to improve logistics.

Design of Curved Steel - Free Download

Design of curved steel

Covers the design of common types of curved steel members used in building structures, and demonstrates how to take account of the curvature so that member checks can be made in accordance with BS 5950-1:2000 or suitable modifications of that Standard.  The curving process is described, together with the effect that this has on the material properties.  Guidance is offered on when the changes in material properties are small enough to be neglected, and additional checks are described where necessary.  Where the behaviour of curved members differs from that of straight members, this is described.  Where necessary, modified resistance checks are prescribed for curved members, together with straightforward methods to take account of additional effects, such as transverse bending stresses.  The design of steel members curved in elevation, such as arches, and portal frames with curved rafters, is described, with guidance on the choice of effective lengths, modelling for computer analysis and simple approaches to determine approximate maximum forces and moments for initial sizing of members.  Members curved on plan experience torsion in addition to bending effects.  The publication provides two methods to design such members, allowing for the torsional effects by either a simplified approach or by using a detailed analysis model of the member.  The design of both open (I and H) and hollow sections is covered.  Includes six worked examples demonstrating the design of curved steel members used in different applications, curved in elevation, and curved on plan.
Authors: C M King & D G Brown
ISBN: 1859421261
SCI Ref.P281

GA document 83

GA document 83

Product Details

  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Publisher: ADA Editors,Japan (December 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 4871401839
  • ISBN-13: 978-4871401838
  • Product Dimensions: 11.7 x 11.6 x 0.3 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

Jpg / 45mb

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GA document 69 | Civil Engineering Blog
GA document 70 | Civil Engineering Blog
GA document 74 |
GA document 78 | Civil Engineering Blog
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GA document 83 | Civil Engineering Blog

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Learning Revit Architecture 2010 - Free Ebook Download

Learning Revit Architecture 2010 (Autodesk Official Training Guide: Essential)
Learning Revit Architecture 2010 (Autodesk Official Training Guide: Essential) By Autodesk Official Training Guide ( 2 vol )
Publisher: Autodesk 2009-11-16 | 268 274 Pages | ISBN: 1897177569 | File type: PDF | 12.7 mb
Learn Revit Architecture 2010 from the source!

This beautiful full-color Official Training Guide is the perfect resource for those who need a complete, expert guide to Revit Architecture 2010. With training provided by Autodesk experts who helped create the software, this book thoroughly covers the principles and fundamentals of this groundbreaking building information modeling (BIM) software.

You'll create a basic floor plan, add and edit simple and complex walls, modify and detail drawings, and learn valuable techniques and best practices. This invaluable guide also prepares designers for Revit Architecture certification.

?Covers Revit Architecture 2010 for architects, contractors, designers, and students; this book is an Autodesk Official Training Guide and was created by Autodesk, makers of Revit Architecture
?Walks readers through techniques, workflows, and content tailored to those just learning as well as professionals working on real-world projects or preparing for Revit Architecture certification
?Delves into elements, Revit families, working with components, managing section and elevation views, making modifications, documentation, and more
?Demonstrates best practices while you create a basic floor plan, add and edit walls, create and modify roofs and floors, and more
?Features a gallery of customer success stories highlighting how Revit was used to create the compelling designs
Get the very most out of Revit Architecture with this must-have training guide from the makers of Revit.

[Ebook] Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011: Free Download

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011: No Experience Required
Description: Eric Wing, "Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011: No Experience Required"
Sybex | 2010 | ISBN: 0470610115 | 984 pages | File type: PDF | 51,4 mb

Learn Revit Architecture step by step with this project-based tutorial

Revit Architecture is the leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) software for architects and others in related fields. Written by renowned Revit trainer Eric Wing, this simple, yet engaging tutorial teaches you the program's basics.

You'll find concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial project that will take you from an introduction to the interface and Revit conventions right in to modeling a four-story office building.

•Explains views, grids, and the program's editing capabilities, and then progresses as the building's design would in the real world
•Encourages you to work with structural grids, beams, and foundations and shows you how to add text and dimensions, as well as understand how to use dimensions as a design tool
•Walks you through building floors layer by layer and joining them to exterior and interior walls, and creating and editing roofs and ceilings as well as stairs, ramps, and railings
Even with no experience, Revit Architecture and its accompanying Web site will support you as you learn Revit at your own pace.

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 in Practice - Free Download

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 in Practice - Free Download
Kogent Inc. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 in Practice
Jones Bartlett Publishers | 2009 | ISBN: 0763776300 | 344 pages | File type: PDF | 11,2 mb
Autodesk Revit?? Architecture?? software provides building information modeling (BIM) data that allows you to design buildings with modeling and drafting elements. This book provides basic, step-by-step instructions for getting started and using the Revit Architecture software or for refreshing your Revit skill. It covers only the basics to illustrate the myriad 2D/3D drawing and editing functions for this popular yet complex application. AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2010 in Practice demonstrates how to design small buildings from concept through actual plotting. The accompanying DVD includes all the drawing lessons in the text, the ability to view third-party software applications, all of the book's figures in color, and a trial version of Revit 2010. This comprehensive introduction will help you navigate this multifaceted software with ease.

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Frank lloyd wright - Free Download

Frank lloyd wright
Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Peter Gossel "Frank Lloyd Wright"
Taschen | English | Novemb
er 1, 2003 | ISBN: 382282030X | 175 pages | File type: PDF | 103,3 mb
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature.

Midas Gen 2011 Download - Enhancements in midas Gen 2011(v2.1)

Enhancements in midas Gen 2011(v2.1) 
- General Section Designer (Available upon request)
- Pushover analysis as per N2 method and NTC 2008
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3D Tutorials AutoCAD 2009 - Pdf Download

3D Tutorials  AutoCAD 2009
AutoCAD 3D Tutorial English | PDF | 228 pages|3.97MB
 Written by Kristen Kurland
Copyright © 2008

Midas Civil 2011 - Enhancements in midas Civil 2011(v2.1)

- General Section Designer (Available upon request)
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Habitat - Winter 2011

Habitat No.14 - Winter 2011

Habitat No.14 - Winter 2011
PDF | 101 Pages | English | 33.16 Mb

Habitat looks at all the elements of our homes, both inside and out. It's coloured by Resene, but it's not just about painting. It covers the full spectrum of design, renovation and refurbishment - from the smallest to the largest projects to help you tackle your next decorating, refurbishment, renovation or new build project.

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Landscape Architecture magazine - July 2011

Landscape Architecture - 07/2011

Landscape Architecture magazine - July 2011
HQ PDF | 184 pages | 101.43 Mb | English

Landscape Architecture is the magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects provides timely information on built landscapes and new techniques for ecologically sensitive planning and design.

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Joints in steel construction: Moment connections

Joints in steel construction: Moment connections

A comprehensive manual on the design of moment resisting connections, including bolted end plate connections, splices, welded connections, wind-moment connections, and moment-resisting bases. Each section includes design examples, and standard details are recommended wherever appropriate. It is in accordance with BS 5950-1:2000.

Publisher: SCI | Author: SCI and BCSA
ISBN: 1-85942-018-4
Details: 1995; 239 Pages; Scanned Copy
Size: 16MB, 501 Pages

Cold-formed Tubular Members and Connections
Author: Greg Hancock (Author), Tim J Wilkinson MB ChB M Clin Ed PhD FRACP (Author), Xiao-Ling Zhao (Author) | Size: 62.3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Elsevier Science; 1 edition (August 12, 2005) | Year: 2005 | pages: 255 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0080441017, 978-0080441016

Cold formed structural members are being used more widely in routine structural design as the world steel industry moves from the production of hot-rolled section and plate to coil and strip, often with galvanised and/or painted coatings. Steel in this form is more easily delivered from the steel mill to the manufacturing plant where it is usually cold-rolled into open and closed section members. This book not only summarises the research performed to date on cold form tubluar members and connections but also compares design rules in various standards and provides practical design examples.

Academic staff, structural engineers, and university students who are interested in tubular structures


Welded Joint Design - Free Download

Welded Joint Design
Author: John G. Hicks 
Edition: 3, illustrated 
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing, 1999 
ISBN: 1855733862, 9781855733862 
Length: 141 pages
Pdf: 4.97 Mb

Based on the European Welding Engineer (EWF) syllabus Part 3 Construction and Design, this book provides a clear, highly illustrated and concise explanation of how welded joints and structures are designed and of the constraints which welding may impose on the design. It is therefore of value both to the welding engineer and the design engineer Many engineers coming into the profession of welding engineering lack a background in design and construction of welded structures and plant. This book has been written with such engineers very much in mind. The safe performance of a structure relies on materials and methods of fabrication which can respond to the explicit or implicit design requirements. It is essential that the welding engineer has the opportunity of making his specialist input to the design process, and an understanding of the basis of the design will help that contribution to be most effective. It is also important that the practising design engineer acquires a basic knowledge of the relevant aspects of welding to be able to execute satisfactory designs and, equally important, to know when to seek the input of a qualified welding engineer. Designed for both students and practising engineers in welding and design, the book will also be of great value to civil, structural, mechanical and plant engineers. There is also much that will interest test houses, welding equipment and consumable manufacturers, classification societies and steel companies.

3D AutoCAD Tutorials - Pdf Download

3D AutoCAD Tutorials 2007

DescriptionAutoCAD 3D Tutorial  English | PDF | 200 pages 
Written by Kristen Kurland 
Copyright © 2007
3D Tutorials 
AutoCAD 2007
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 1 3D Interface 
1.1 Launching AutoCAD 3D 
1.2  3D Interface 
1.3  3D Dashboard
1.4  Viewports 
1.5  Preset 3D Viewports 
1.6  Named Views 
1.7  VPOINT Command (Tripod) 
1.8  VPOINT Command (Rotate) 
1.10 Plan View 

AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 2 Thickness and Elevation 
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 3 Visualizing Your Model 
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 4 Z Coordinates 
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 5 User Coordinate System 
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 22 Render Environments and Background  


Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 - Free Download

Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 - link MF

Publisher: Sybex; Pap/Psc edition (August 16, 2010) | English | ISBN-10: 0470884185 | 936 pages | 24,2 Mb

Book Description
The only comprehensive reference and tutorial for Civil 3D 2011. Civil 3D is Autodesk’s popular, robust civil engineering software, and this fully updated guide is the only one endorsed by Autodesk to help students prepare for certification exams. Packed with expert tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials, this book covers every aspect of Civil 3D 2011, the preferred software package for designing roads, highways, subdivisions, drainage and sewer systems, and other large-scale civic projects.

* This is the official, Autodesk-endorsed guide to Civil 3D, the leading software for designing large-scale civic systems such as highways, subdivisions, and sewer systems
* Covers all the key concepts, the software interface, and best methods for creating, editing, displaying, and labeling all elements of a civic engineering project
* Features in-depth, detailed coverage of surveying, points, alignments, surfaces, profiles, corridors, grading, LandXML and LDT Project Transfer, cross sections, pipe networks, visualization, sheets, and project management
* Includes what students need to pass the Civil 3D 2011 Certified Associate and Certified Professional exams

Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 is a complete course in the real-world application of Civil 3D as well as the ultimate study guide for certification.

From the Back Cover
Design Your Way from Field to Finish with This Expert Guide
Create winning designs and effectively manage every stage of your projects with this Autodesk Official Training Guide for Autodesk’s powerful civil engineering software. Authored by experts with close ties to the software development team and the Civil 3D community, this book offers an in-depth, tutorial-based approach that is grounded in real-world examples so that you can get the most out of Civil 3D.

Fully updated for Civil 3D 2011's new features, such as advanced tools for geospatial and earthwork analysis, this book not only shows you how to use Civil 3D in a production environment, it also prepares you for Autodesk’s Civil 3D 2011 Certified Associate and Certified Professional exams.

Coverage includes:

* Digging deep into Civil 3D 2011, including new tools and functionality
* Working field to finish with in-depth information on field surveying
* Using helpful intersection tools to shorten the design of complex corridors
* Designing models using practical data that helps you anticipate issues
* Creating construction documents in a flash with the Plan Production tool
* Building project visualizations that don’t break the bank or the schedule

Sharpen Your Civil 3D 2011 Skills with Real-World Engineering Examples

Design Subdivision and Lot Layouts with Precision and Ease

Plan the Efficient Movement of Materials During Construction

Produce More Accurate Construction Plans to Increase Field Efficiency

Prepare for the Civil 3D 2011 Certified Associate and Certified Professional Exams

About the Author
James Wedding is an award-winning registered Professional Engineer and a member of the Autodesk Civil Engineering team who has worked extensively? to help shape Civil 3D. He is a highly rated Autodesk University speaker, the face of Auodesk’s Civil Engineering Resource Center, and blogs at McEachron has experience in? the civil engineering, land surveying, and GIS industries. He has worked as a consultant for Autodesk, its resellers, and many of the top 100 firms on the Engineering News-Record’s Top 500 Design Firms list. Scott has been an instructor at Autodesk University for seven years and actively maintains
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autodesk autocad architecture 2011 download

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture (2011/64bit) | 5,5 Gb

AutoCAD Architecture software is the version of AutoCAD software created for architects. Features designed for architectural drafting help you design and document more efficiently, in the familiar AutoCAD environment. Start working in AutoCAD Architecture software and experience productivity gains right away, while learning new features at your own pace.
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Autodesk Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2012 x32/x64

Autodesk Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2012 x32/x64


Robot Structural Analysis Pro 2012 (x32 \x64) *Autodesk* | 1,97 Gb
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software provides structural 
engineers with advanced building analysis capabilities for large and complex structures. The structural analysis software offers a smoother workflow and interoperability with Autodesk Revit Structure software to extend the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process, enabling engineers to more quickly perform comprehensive analysis of a variety of structures.
Key Features Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional: - Two-way communication with Autodesk Revit Structure; - Enhanced partitioning into finite elements; - Extensive calculations and analysis; - Ultra-modern means of calculating the dynamic loads; - Adjustable output calculation results; - The presence of localized versions and support of various units of measurement; - Adapting to the state standards and design standards of specific countries; - Integrated design solutions for the calculation of reinforced concrete and steel structures; - A single workflow calculation of building structures and production of working drawings; - Open and flexible API-Interface. System Requirements: For 32-Bit Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2012 Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium edition, Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise, Business, Ultimate, or Home Premium edition (SP2 or later), or Microsoft Windows XP Professional edition (SP2 or later) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology or equivalent AMD processor 3 GB RAM 1,280 x 1,024 monitor and display adapter capable of 24-bit color 3 GB free disk space, plus 5 GB free disk space left after installation 2-button mouse with scroll wheel recommended Download or installation from DVD Internet connectivity for license registration
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Multi-Scale Modeling of Structural Concrete

Author: Koichi Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, Toshiharu Kishi | Size: 25 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc. | Year: 2009 | pages: 670 | ISBN: 0415465540
Increases in computer power have now enabled engineers to combine materials science with structural mechanics in the design and the assessment of concrete structures. The techniques developed have become especially useful for the performance assessment of such structures under coupled mechanistic and environmental actions. This allows effective management of infrastructure over a much longer life cycle, thus satisfying the requirements for durability and sustainability. This ground-breaking new book draws on the fields of materials and structural mechanics in an integrated way to address the questions of management and maintenance. It proposes a realistic way of simulating both constituent materials and structural responses under external loading and under ambient conditions. Where the research literature discusses component or element technology related to performance assessment, this book uniquely covers the subject at the level of the whole system including soil foundation, showing engineers how to model changes in concrete structures over time and how to use this for decision making in infrastructure maintenance and asset management.

Dwell magazines - July/August 2011

Dwell magazines - July 2011
Dwell magazines - August 2011
Dwell is the unique modern architecture and design magazine for people who believe that good design is an integral part of real life.
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